Azure Virtual Store
Physical Store powered by Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning by AZURE Virtual platform.
The Future of Retail Shopping
The New way of Shopping - VR Shopping
Platform Agnostics
Run VR Shoppable exeprience on any device in browser without installing any application.
E-Commerce Integration
Integrate your E-Commerce & Inventory platforms with VR Shopping platform using APIs.
Advanced Analytics
Automated Analtics Engine captures user's interactions and purchases transparently for analytics.
High Definition
Customise store environment with Actual Store Footage / High Definition 3d Environments.
Azure Virtual Store Platform
How It Works?
Azure Virtual Store is a self service product visualization and sales platform which is powered by Azure's proprietary advanced interaction engine which leverages latest visualization technologies supported by wide variety of devices and form factors & along with AI & ML it can generate rich actionable insights about user interaction.
It is easier than you think. Just follow these 4 Steps...
1. Create 3D Model
Azure's Virtual Store Platform, when uploaded with a 3d Model with Right configuration, can create highly interactive and enaging experience automatically without any programming.
Azure's Platform supports user interactions which can be used to customise & configure the product in real time when users are interacting with the product.
The automated realtime customization is support for following product properties:
- Product Variations: Showcase the products with different configurations and options. Like, Sofa with different seating options.
- Product Colors: Showcase the product with different type of materials / textures or change the color of product surface.
- Product Dimension: Allow users to customise the product dimension on the fly when interacting with the product. This feature can also be usec to display product dimensions in various measurement units.
2. Publish & Customise
Once the model is prepared, you can use the dashboard to upload the product to Azure's platform. The platform automatically analyzes the product and its properties and generates the user intractions.
Using the dashboard you will be able to customise the product information and specification which are shown to user when they are interacting the the product.
Dashboard also supports the Sales & Ecommerce functionalities which then can be used to manage the product inventory, product prices & product shipping information which are presented to user when they are browsing and purchasing the products.
Centralized Cloud Asset Management
Create engaging product experiences with drag-and-drop editor and deliver product experiences to anyone, anywhere, with the fastest, highest quality cloud platform. Manage your assets from centralized cloud and optimize product displays on the fly.
3. Sales & Monitoring
The platform automatically captures the user interactions and generates various time-matrix analytics along with user purchase analytics.
- Product Intereaction Analytics
- Product View Analytics
- Product Purchase Analytics
Based on users engagement with the store, The platform automatically captures varius time-matrix and purchse analytics.
- Product category / Segment Performance Analytics
- Shelf Performance Analytics
- Planogram Performance Analytics
With efficient brand cataloging & placement of branding elements, The platform will automatiaclly generate the brand performance matrix and performance of branding element with respect to user purchases.
- User interaction Analytics
- User Noticeability Analytics
- User Outlook & Brand Awareness Analytics
4. Advanded Analytics Capabilities
Heat Maps & Gaze Plots
Using inbuilt eye tracking platform we can generate user attention areas and Eye Fixations to find out shelves, products and branding which are capturing the most eye balls and are most noticeable.
Opacity Maps
Such visualizations helps visualize part of shelf or store which are getting the most attention by masking the rest of the region s which are not interacted with.
Facial Coding
Using Camera mounted on mobiles, tablets and pcs we can record and analyze the facial features of user to decoding the motion they are having during their shopping exercise.